Numbered memoirs


Numbered memoirs

Collection Items

#26 Irving Howe
"I feel that I have known Irving Howe all my life, although I may have been in the same room with him five times and exchanged no more than a few sentences with him each time."

#44 Music in My Life
"For some people, their lives would be empty and unfulfilled without music."

#2 Nursery School Days
"When I was about five years old, my mother 'enrolled' me in the Isaac Gerson Foundation Hebrew Day Nursery. "

#23 Election Days (first draft)
"In six days, the United States will, hopefully, be electing a new president, and, thinking about it, I found myself reliving the first presidential election that I am able to remember."

#9 The Prize
"I was 12 years old and had been going to Hebrew school for about three years."

#20 Lenny Rubin
"Lenny Rubin was the first friend I made after entering City College in September 1945."

#5 B63
"In 1933, I was five years old. My father had died in 1931, and my mother was finally able to come to grips with the fact that we should move from our four-room Beck Street apartment in the Bronx, to a smaller apartment that would cost less."

#7 Relaxing in Bronx Park
"When I was about nine years old, my mother began a routine which we followed until I was a teen-ager..."

#8 Entering the World of Work
"As soon as school ended in June of 1942, I started to look for a summer job."

#16 My Courtship of, and Marriage to, Sylvia Feig
"The fall of 1947 was much like the fall of 1946 and 1945: classes at CCNY started right after Labor Day and I had a heavy schedule."
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