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"Skimming a review in the New Yorker of Elizabeth Gilbert’s book 'Committed,' about her marriage, got me to thinking (again) about mine."

Further condenced.pdf
Further condensed/revised version of "Junior High School: My Most Favorite Educational Experience
(And My Longest Memoir)" (2011) and "Junior High School: My Favorite Educational Experience" (2011/2012)

Junior High School.pdf
"It is mid-December, 2011, and for the past month I have been reliving my life in junior high school."

I Take My Cousin to Her Prom.pdf
"My cousin Rozzie is 3 ½ years younger than me."

"I always liked getting a haircut."

"Now that I have cable TV, I am able to see a movie 'at any time of the day or night.'"

"Whenever I begin to write a new piece, my tendency is to do it chronologically." (Fragment)

"As if I had nothing better to do in the spring and summer of 1953, I found myself in a legal battle with my landlord."

1930s-70s Ethnicity.pdf
"I always liked the line from Moliere’s Bourgois Gentilhomme (?) where he discovers that he is speaking prose. This came to mind as David is working on a paper about Jews and blacks and Italians in New York and other urban centers. What David is…
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