Browse Items (30 total)

"On December 18, 2007, I turned 80. The thought that has haunted me ever since is, 'Now I am REALLY old.'"

Don’t ever mess up.pdf
"Don’t ever mess up. Because if you do, that is all they will talk about when you are gone."

Army Memories.pdf
"For some time, as I have been writing these pieces, ideas have been coming to me in the early morning while I am half asleep. The idea that occurred to me this morning was to describe the people and events I can still remember from my time in the…

AutoRecovery save of Stan Weir.pdf
"One evening, toward the end of August in 1968, I received a call from someone named Stan Weir, explaining that he had just arrived in Washington from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, and that a mutual friend gave him my name."

Junior High School.pdf
"It is mid-December, 2011, and for the past month I have been reliving my life in junior high school."

JHS condencedl.pdf
Condensed/revised version of "Junior High School: My Most Favorite Educational Experience (And My Longest Memoir)" (2011)

Further condenced.pdf
Further condensed/revised version of "Junior High School: My Most Favorite Educational Experience
(And My Longest Memoir)" (2011) and "Junior High School: My Favorite Educational Experience" (2011/2012)

My Connection to Sophie's Grandson.pdf
"Having just returned from the Bar Mitzvah of Itai Squires-Kasten, I began thinking about my connection to Itai and his family."

My Friend Phil.pdf
"My friend Phil turned 84 July 30, 2011, and I want to tell his story—at least as much as I know."
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