Browse Items (34 total)

My Friend Phil.pdf
"My friend Phil turned 84 July 30, 2011, and I want to tell his story—at least as much as I know."

Further condenced.pdf
Further condensed/revised version of "Junior High School: My Most Favorite Educational Experience
(And My Longest Memoir)" (2011) and "Junior High School: My Favorite Educational Experience" (2011/2012)

JHS condencedl.pdf
Condensed/revised version of "Junior High School: My Most Favorite Educational Experience (And My Longest Memoir)" (2011)

Junior High School.pdf
"It is mid-December, 2011, and for the past month I have been reliving my life in junior high school."

Another ROL.pdf
"Many groups and organizations have spoken out in favor of the public workers of Wisconsin when Gov. Scott Walker announced his plan that substantially cuts the benefits and eliminates nearly all collective bargaining rights for state workers."

MY LIFE 4.pdf
"When I was at City College I heard a story about a professor who required his students to show him their note books at the end of the semester."

My friend Sol has Parkins.pdf
"My friend Sol has Parkinson’s disease."

"On December 18, 2007, I turned 80. The thought that has haunted me ever since is, 'Now I am REALLY old.'"

1945-54 My Draft Board and Me.pdf
"What follows describes my nine-year 'Herculean' struggle with my draft board to avoid the draft."
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