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Fran and 9-13 ROL.pdf
"Whenever we come back from a period of time away, we always put the best face on it."

"It has been four years that Fran has been living with the dread of lung cancer. " (Fragment)

"This is different from growing tomatoes. This is about my health, which I never was too concerned about."
(Essay in two parts. Part II is entitled, "Concerning my Growing Concerns")

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How I Spent Bastille Day .pdf
"The day started beautifully. After weeks of rain and clouds, the sun came out, and I decided to do something I haven’t done in years: hit a tennis ball against the wall."

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I Would If I Could.pdf
"Fran has been coming to bed between 5 am and 7 am for a long time, and it is very upsetting."

"My mother used to say, 'You are going to the fair, and I am coming from the fair.'"

Living With a Fragile Person.pdf
"When did I realize that Fran is 'fragile,' a word that I learned from her." (Fragment)

Looking for Answers.pdf
"I have been looking for answers my entire life."

Looking for Answers 2.pdf
Alternate version of "Looking for Answers" (2009)

My Friend Phil.pdf
"My friend Phil turned 84 July 30, 2011, and I want to tell his story—at least as much as I know."
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